2004 |
December 26
Exposing Organs
- Yes, It's All About the Organs! The latest show, Organs Without Shame, features nonpop organ music of most guises by Philip Blackburn, Thomas Massella, James Signorile, Ron Hannah, Gilles Yves Bonneau, Tim Cummings, Alex Shapiro, Gary Verkade, Steve Nelson-Raney, Wendy Mae Chambers and others. Grouches that we are, it's the closest we can come to getting in any sort of holiday spirit. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, Oregon Donor, revealing what the extraterrestrial pipings really mean. So listen to show #499 -- and don't forget to join us next week for a 500th show New Year's Day five-hour special starting at our regular time, and moving on into the dinner hours. Our featured live guest in concert will be Elizabeth Panzer!
December 21
K&D Wins "Excellence" Award!
December 18
Sort of New Releases - Part 2
- Available: Second of Several Shows of Newly Received Recordings. This is the second of two parts (and maybe more) of some catch up, including music by Jocelyn Morlock, Michael Byron, Ronda Rindone, Joan LaBarbara, Jacqueline Humbert, David Rosenboom, Judith Shatin, Elizabeth Hayden Pizer, Jonathan Piezlak, Oleksa Lowochuk, John Burke, Mike Vernusky, Vivian Adelberg Rudow, Gilles Gobeil and René Lussier. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, Miss Aminata Kabba Needs Your Help!, containing startling new revelations on international email pleas. Oh, next week? Organ music. Maybe.
December 12
Sort of New Releases
- Available: First of Several Shows of Newly Received Recordings. This is the first of two parts (and maybe more) of some catch up, including music by Matthew Burtner, Robert Moran, Erik Mälzner, Jeremy Beck, Hot Troche, Paolo Longo, Mark Applebaum, Steve Peters, Bruce Pennycook, Brad Dutz, Larry Gaab, Robson dos Santos, and Matthew Fields. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, Concert Survival, a step-by-step guide to avoiding hurled objects, gunplay, and bad music.
- Help Slowly Arrives from the Faithful! We offer our heartfelt thanks to our latest contributors, Matthew Fields, Gwyneth Walker, and Tom Johnson, for their generous gifts to K&D. Now it's your turn: We have a $2,000 debt to retire. Your contribution is strongly encouraged because we could sure use some help here.
December 5
Tribute to Dental Floss and Barking Pumpkins
- Available: Tribute to Frank Zappa. No, we don't play his music. We play music by composers who have been influenced by Frank Zappa. Hear music of Rhys Chatham, Tom Hamilton, Peter Zummo, Eric Salzman, Jon Appleton, Joseph Benzola, Alex Abele, Marc Gustavson, Samuel Claiborne, Cindy Lubar Bishop, Nick Didkovsky, Tony Lanman, John Luther Adams, Gene Pritsker, and others. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, The World's Biggest Instrument, meaning a musical one.
- Gosh. He Noticed. We see that Anthony Tommasini of the New York Times has started using our "Golden Age" term in his article "Amid Dire Predictions, Classical Records Flower.". Nice to see Rip van Winkelsini has finally made it to the new century. By 2004. Maybe that's a record for the Times.
November 27
Oh, Oh, the Trubee Show!
- Available: Interview with John Trubee. We've known John Trubee for 30 years. He hasn't changed. Has he? Find out by listening to our interview with John Van Zelm Trubee Jr., angry California composer whose music is mostly, well, pop and not nonpop. Or nonnonpop. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, The Janitorians, reflecting humbly on the topic at hand.
- Next Week: We Don't Know! We've talked to composers every week since August 30, 2003. Now we have a break, and next week we'll play music and talk to each other. If there is a guest, you'll know if you check the upcoming guest list regularly And if you're a composer, set up your interview! Only 10 months left of K&D!
November 25
New Show Posted!
- Available: Interview with Margriet Hoenderdos. We searched for 12 years to find her, then waited another year to get the music for the broadcast. But finally, you can hear an interview with Margriet Hoenderdos, reserved Dutch composer whose music is precise, intense and committed. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, How Hungry Are You?, mysteriously based on a game show from the late 1970s.
- Next Week: Interview with John Van Zelm Trubee Jr. Hoo-boy. We don't do much rock'n'roll on K&D, but John has been a friend for over 30 years and just barely qualifies as nonpop, if for no other reason than his Zappa-esque humor and total disaffection with society. You'll love this one, as John's group The Ugly Janitors of America is featured.
November 17
New Show Posted!
- Available: Interview with Cindy Lubar Bishop and Peter Girard. Not since Everything You Know is Wrong have two people finished each others' sentences as crisply! Listen to our interview with Cindy Lubar Bishop and Peter Girard, aka Code One, who explain how their five-year collaboration came to fruition. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, The Sherlock Holmes Principle, an incomprehensible recounting of levitation that has nothing to do with potatoes.
- Next Week: Interview with Margriet Hoenderdos. A composer with clarity of vision and extreme elements of composition, Margriet Hoenderdos was interviewed by K&D in her flat in Amsterdam in 2003. Tune in for an extraordinary imagination in play on November 20.
- A long time ago, K&D left the goddard.edu servers. We lived there for our first three years. Unfortunately, because of major system rebuilds at the college, you've been getting errors when using Google and other search engines. But the kind folks at Goddard College's IT department have now redirected you here (not the page you specifically wanted, but still home in the warm bosom of K&D). You can navigate to find the page your originally sought, or just use our site search. Welcome back! And thanks to Chris at Goddard for his help!
- Recent Shows Available: Among the quietest interviews we've had, our talk with Ernesto Diaz-Infante covered a remarkably diverse musical world in the life of a young composer/improviser. About as different as can be, the interviews with Nancy Bloomer Deussen and Chris Brown were recorded an hour apart in real time, but aesthetic light-years apart! Recorded in San Francisco, the interviews are full of music (including a live cocktail improv by Nancy). Now, what's next? Yes, he did, and hear about it. Listen to our in-studio interview with Paul Reale! Here from California, Paul tells stories of his crazy-quilt composer career and plays three major works. And he's funny! Before that was a wild weekend with a wild guy! Listen to our visit with Ernie Stires! The crazy guy was here, fresh off his Carnegie Hall premiere. He talks about his life, his music, and everything he thinks is absurd. Not to be missed! And then you can hear the interviews with Jerry Gerber and Patricia Goodson! Our interview with and music by composer and MIDI sonic artist Jerry Gerber was recorded last year in San Francisco, and Jerry talks virtual orchestras, politics, and working as a tonal and atonal serialist and eclectic composer from the studio. Also available is our interview with new music specialist Patricia Goodson -- recently married by the way! congratulations! -- recorded in Prague, wherein she talks about her influences, teachers, and experience performing new nonpop. Cue up the interview with Jeff Alu! Our interview with and music by composer, graphics artist, photographyer and complex guy Jeff was also recorded last year in San Francisco, and Jeff talks about improvisation and imagery as the source of inspiration.
- Thanks are Due Indeed! The 50 interviews of the California tour were made possible by a grant from the Argosy Foundation. We are most grateful to Argosy for this project, and for their ongoing support for our developing transcription project. And we also thank our latest contributors, Meri von KleinSmid, Tom Hamilton, Steve Layton, Timothy Mennel, Noah Creshevsky, Dan Albertson, Elainie Lillios, Kyle Gann, and Mike Swinchoski, for their generous gifts to K&D. Now it's your turn -- we have a $2,000 debt to retire. Your contribution is strongly encouraged because we could sure use some help here. We know the economy's not so good, but contributions to keep K&D running have dropped over 75% in 2004. There's any number of ways you can send us some cash. The server, domains, etc. -- before a lick of work is done -- cost $1,536 per year. We use supplies, put up & feed guests, fix equipment and update software. If every site visitor contributed ten cents upon each day's visit, it would pay the bills. Try the PayPal link, or contact us via email or snail mail. Please. K&D gets 50,000+ hits per day (about 700 unique visitors). Help.
- It's time for the annual Listener Response Awards! What do you think? What was the best stuff you heard on K&D? Let us know who should be this year's winner, and they will get a nice certificate and another play on K&D.
- Our newsfeed is running! Grab it! The newsfeed will provide the latest homepage, playlist, and upcoming guest list as soon as it's posted. Click this XML logo
or copy this link (http://kalvos.org/kalvos.rss) into your newsfeed reader.
- Never Heard a Besto? David Gunn a/k/a Damian (or is it Kalvos?) creates a Best of the Bazaar for each block of five shows. No, this isn't just a selection or two that he likes. These Bestos are collages of sound art of the highest order! Eat your heart out electroacoustic composers!. More than seven hours of Bestos can be heard and #82 is the latest of these!
- IDs? You want IDs? We got 'em! We've extracted the funny IDs made for our show by Beata Moon, Christine Baczewska, Thomas Buckner, Jason Eckardt, Charles Coleman, Gary DiBenedetto, Judy Dunaway, Peter Flint, Bruce Gremo, Mark Gustavson, Scott Johnson, Joan LaBarbara, Dennis Darrah, Mary Lou Newmark, Phil Kline, Eve Beglarian, and Elliott Schwartz. Oh, they're not any big deal, but we like 'em, and they show another side of our guest composers.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features, especially during this month. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D, and listen to these compositions.
- Submitting music to K&D? Use our release form. We're still receiving recordings for broadcast that don't include this release, and that is (in this current climate) a, um, problem. Also note our postal address has been different for about three years, so if you're still using the old Box 2770 address -- please don't!
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit. Oh, and Dennis/Kalvos and David/Damian are published by Westleaf Edition, and would sure appreciate it if you would visit to Westleaf and download & perform a score or two or three or more!
- WGDR's live stream uses Ogg Vorbis. K&D's present links to the live cybercast all launch a RealAudio stream based on WGDR's previous use of Real and MP3. Real doesn't support Oggs. So until we fix all those doggone links, please go to WGDR.org and pick up the stream directly -- and if you're using a 'classic' MP3 player, get the Ogg Vorbis plugin.
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
November 10
Welcome back goddard.edu redirects!
- A long time ago, K&D left the goddard.edu servers. We lived there for our first three years. Unfortunately, because of major system rebuilds at the college, you've been getting errors when using Google and other search engines. But the kind folks at Goddard College's IT department have now redirected you here (not the page you specifically wanted, but still home in the warm bosom of K&D). You can navigate to find the page your originally sought, or just use our site search. Welcome back! And thanks to Chris at Goddard for his help!
November 7
New Show Posted!
November 1
Two New Shows, Upcoming Excitement!
- Available: Interviews with Nancy Bloomer Deussen and Chris Brown. About as different as can be, these interviews with Nancy and Chris were recorded an hour apart in real time, but aesthetic light-years apart! Recorded in San Francisco, the interviews are full of music (including a live cocktail improv by Nancy). Don't miss this pair! The latest playlists are also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essays, Nancy's Bloomers and le grand garçon. What could these be about?
- Next Week: Interview with Chris Brown (concluded) and Ernesto Diaz-Infante. We conclude the interview with Chris Brown, and engage Ernesto Diaz-Infante in a San Francisco low-key Q&A. It's quiet, and Ernesto will reveal how he's documenting his life's work in recordings. Who would've thought of that?
- Thanks are Due Indeed! The 50 interviews of the California tour were made possible by a grant from the Argosy Foundation. We are most grateful to Argosy for this project, and for their ongoing support for our developing transcription project. And we also thank our latest contributors, Tom Hamilton, Steve Layton, Timothy Mennel, Noah Creshevsky, and Dan Albertson, for their generous gifts to K&D. Now it's your turn -- we have a $2,000 debt to retire. Your contribution is strongly encouraged!
October 18
Hey! What's Up?
- We could sure use some help here. We know the economy's not so good, but contributions to keep K&D running have dropped over 75% in 2004. There's any number of ways you can send us some cash. The server, domains, etc. -- before a lick of work is done -- cost $1,536 per year. We use supplies, put up & feed guests, fix equipment and update software. If every site visitor contributed ten cents upon each day's visit, it would pay the bills. Try the PayPal link, or contact us via email or snail mail. Please. K&D gets 50,000+ hits per day (about 700 unique visitors). Help.
- It's time for the annual Listener Response Awards! What do you think? What was the best stuff you heard on K&D? Let us know who should be this year's winner, and they will get a nice certificate and another play on K&D.
October 17
The Composer Who Fell Off A Building
October 12
Quick, Ernie!
October 6
Gerber, Goodson, Changes
- You can hear the interviews with Jerry Gerber and Patricia Goodson! Our interview with and music by composer and MIDI sonic artist Jerry Gerber is now posted in RealAudio and MP3 format. The interview was recorded last year in San Francisco, and Jerry talks virtual orchestras, politics, and working as a tonal and atonal serialist and eclectic composer from the studio. Also available is our interview with new music specialist Patricia Goodson -- recently married by the way! congratulations! -- recorded in Prague, wherein she talks about her influences, teachers, and experience performing new nonpop. The latest playlists are also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essays, Clam Chador and Bluenogginism, odd takes on the world gone wacky!
- Next week: Ernie Stires! He's coming to the studio (he was scheduled for last week, but guests arrived at his home) and the following week Paul Reale is headed in to the studio. It's beautiful fall weather in Vermont -- we just had the killer frost yesterday -- and we'll enjoy speaking with both Erie and Paul in the warmth of Studio A. Please note that we have had quite a few changes in guest scheduling lately, so please check the upcoming guest list regularly or
subscribe to our XML news feed for updates immediatley when we know them.
- Where were we? David "Damian" Gunn had performances of his new piece 400 Owls Attempting to Outwit a Giant Badger in the Rain by the Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble and Dennis "Kalvos" Báthory-Kitsz had performances of his new piece Icecut by the Vermont Symphony Orchestra. They're back, they're recovering, and now the K&D site can get some updates!
September 19
Jeff Alu Talking & Playing!
- You can hear the interview with Jeff Alu! Our interview with and music by composer, graphics artist, photographyer and complex guy Jeff Alu are now posted in RealAudio and MP3 format. The interview was recorded last year in San Francisco, and Jeff talks about improvisation and imagery as the source of inspiration. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, Wisdom, a tooth-trip somebody couldn't forget!
- Next week: Jerry Gerber! Next week our show will be an interview with Jerry Gerber, recorded in San Francisco at his own studio -- where he kindly let us record all those other San Francisco interviews! Jerry is a serial iconoclast, an unusual combination of heartful and systematic composition and perseverence that is fundamental to his artistry. Kalvos and Damian's upcoming guest list is updated each week, or sooner if new guests are scheduled.
- Guest Schedule Change: Ernie Stires! There is an important change to the upcoming guest schedule with Ernie Stires joining us live on October 2. A longtime Vermont composer, Ernie is fresh from his appearance with the Vermont Youth Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. (The interview with John Trubee has been moved to November 27, which will also give us more time to edit the broadcast version to the FCC's taste -- even though you'll hear all of it with the online version posted later.)
- Thanks to Our Contributors! The 50 interviews of the California tour were made possible by a grant from the Argosy Foundation. We are most grateful to Argosy for this project, and for their ongoing support. And we also thank our recent contributors, Elainie Lillios, Kyle Gann, Mike Swinchoski, and Noah Creshevsky, for their generous gifts to K&D. Now it's your turn -- please help us out. Your contribution is strongly encouraged!
- Congrats to David/Damian and Dennis/Kalvos! We congratulate ourselves, for who else will? David Gunn was performed by the Vermont Youth Orchestra at Cargnegie Hall last week (his Urban Renewaltz was very well reviewed) and Dennis Báthory-Kitsz will be performed by the Vermont Symphony Orchestra over the next two weeks (his Icecut).
- Our newsfeed is running! Grab it! The newsfeed will provide the latest homepage, playlist, and upcoming guest list as soon as it's posted. Click this XML logo
or copy this link (http://kalvos.org/kalvos.rss) into your newsfeed reader.
- A new essay is available in our section of composer writings. Entitled "The Final Year of K&D", it's by Kalvos, and looks ahead to the next 50 or so shows, and the end of Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar. Something to think about.
- Never Heard a Besto? David Gunn a/k/a Damian (or is it Kalvos?) creates a Best of the Bazaar for each block of five shows. No, this isn't just a selection or two that he likes. These Bestos are collages of sound art of the highest order! Eat your heart out electroacoustic composers!. More than seven hours of Bestos can be heard and #82 is the latest of these!
- IDs? You want IDs? We got 'em! We've extracted the funny IDs made for our show by Beata Moon, Christine Baczewska, Thomas Buckner, Jason Eckardt, Charles Coleman, Gary DiBenedetto, Judy Dunaway, Peter Flint, Bruce Gremo, Mark Gustavson, Scott Johnson, Joan LaBarbara, Dennis Darrah, Mary Lou Newmark, Phil Kline, Eve Beglarian, and Elliott Schwartz. Oh, they're not any big deal, but we like 'em, and they show another side of our guest composers.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features, especially during this month. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D, and listen to these compositions.
- Submitting music to K&D? Use our release form. We're still receiving recordings for broadcast that don't include this release, and that is (in this current climate) a, um, problem. Also note our postal address has been different for about three years, so if you're still using the old Box 2770 address -- please don't!
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit. Oh, and Dennis/Kalvos and David/Damian are published by Westleaf Edition, and would sure appreciate it if you would visit to Westleaf and download & perform a score or two or three or more!
- WGDR's live stream uses Ogg Vorbis. K&D's present links to the live cybercast all launch a RealAudio stream based on WGDR's previous use of Real and MP3. Real doesn't support Oggs. So until we fix all those doggone links, please go to WGDR.org and pick up the stream directly -- and if you're using a 'classic' MP3 player, get the Ogg Vorbis plugin.
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
September 11
Stephen Kent at the Microphone!
- Our interview with Stephen Kent is now posted in RealAudio and MP3 format. The interview was recorded last year in San Francisco, and Stephen reveals his approach to the didjeridu as well as tells the secrets of Furious Pig's origin. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, Double-ble Vision-ision, a bizarre headache accompanied by a double-music sound mix!
- Next week: Jeff Alu! Recorded in San Francisco. Jeff's appearance has been anticipated for most of K&D's nine years; he outlines all his compositional and artistic approaches in but two hours. Kalvos and Damian's upcoming guest list is updated each week, or sooner if new guests are scheduled. A reminder that in the upcoming guest schedule are Paul Reale joining us live on October 16, and Patrick Grant and Greg Mertl, tentatively scheduled for January 1 and February 12!
September 5
Commentary on K&D's Forthcoming Year
September 4
Maggi Payne has Spoken!
- Our interview with Maggi Payne is now posted in RealAudio and MP3 format. The interview was recorded last year in San Francisco, and Maggi covers her life from Texas childhood to audio restorer, along with her fabled history as electroacoustic composer and Mills College pioneer. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, Borborygma.
- Next week: Stephen Kent! Our show was recorded in San Francisco; join us September 11 with this master of the didjeridu and former member of the evanescent Furious Pig. Kalvos and Damian's upcoming guest list is updated each week, or sooner if new guests are scheduled. There is also a change to the upcoming guest schedule with Paul Reale joining us live on October 16, and Patrick Grant and Greg Mertl also tentatively scheduled for January 1 and February 12!
- Thanks to Our Contributors! The 50 interviews of the California tour were made possible by a grant from the Argosy Foundation. We are most grateful to Argosy for this project, and for their ongoing support. And we also thank our recent contributors, Kyle Gann, Mike Swinchoski, and Noah Creshevsky, for their generous gifts to K&D. Now it's your turn -- please help us out. Your contribution is strongly encouraged!
- Our newsfeed is running! Grab it! The newsfeed will provide the latest homepage, playlist, and upcoming guest list as soon as it's posted. Click this XML logo
or copy this link (http://kalvos.org/kalvos.rss) into your newsfeed reader.
August 28
Brian's Show is Available!
- Our interview with Brian Reinbolt is now posted in RealAudio and MP3 format. The interview was recorded last year in San Francisco, and Brian reveals the secrets that make his compositions tick. The latest playlist is also up, along with the usual site updates and of course Damian's latest essay, And Now, Blasto.
- Next week: Maggi Payne! Our show was recorded in San Francisco; join us September 4. Kalvos and Damian's upcoming guest list is updated each week, or sooner if new guests are scheduled. There is also a change to the upcoming guest schedule with Paul Reale joining us live on October 16, and Patrick Grant and Greg Mertl also tentatively scheduled for January 1 and February 12!
- Show #500 is on New Year's Day, and Kalvos & Damian will be on duty, along with our Studio Z engineer, Bert Klunder, for a special performance to celebrate both the new year and K&D's show #500. And you are invited! To be part of the limited guest seating of 20 in Studio Z, please contact us for tickets
- Thanks Are Due Indeed! The 50 interviews of the California tour were made possible by a grant from the Argosy Foundation. We are most grateful to Argosy for this project, and for their ongoing support. And we also thank our latest contributor, Kyle Gann, for his generous gift to K&D. Now it's your turn -- please help us out. Your contribution is strongly encouraged!
August 21
Latest Show is Available!
- Joining us live in the studio was Sean Hickey, with whom we had the bestest fun. Have a listen (#481) as he takes us through his music and his life from Detroit to Brooklyn to Cape Breton and back!
- Never Heard a Besto? David Gunn a/k/a Damian (or is it Kalvos?) creates a Best of the Bazaar for each block of five shows. No, this isn't just a selection or two that he likes. These Bestos are collages of sound art of the highest order! Eat your heart out electroacoustic composers!. More than seven hours of Bestos can be heard and #82 is the latest of these!
- IDs? You want IDs? We got 'em! We've extracted the funny IDs made for our show by Beata Moon, Christine Baczewska, Thomas Buckner, Jason Eckardt, Charles Coleman, Gary DiBenedetto, Judy Dunaway, Peter Flint, Bruce Gremo, Mark Gustavson, Scott Johnson, Joan LaBarbara, Dennis Darrah, Mary Lou Newmark, Phil Kline, Eve Beglarian, and Elliott Schwartz. Oh, they're not any big deal, but we like 'em, and they show another side of our guest composers.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features, especially during this month. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D, and listen to these compositions.
- Submitting music to K&D? Use our release form. We're still receiving recordings for broadcast that don't include this release, and that is (in this current climate) a, um, problem. Also note our postal address has been different for about three years, so if you're still using the old Box 2770 address -- please don't!
- WGDR's live stream uses Ogg Vorbis. K&D's present links to the live cybercast all launch a RealAudio stream based on WGDR's previous use of Real and MP3. Real doesn't support Oggs. So until we fix all those doggone links, please go to WGDR.org and pick up the stream directly -- and if you're using a 'classic' MP3 player, get the Ogg Vorbis plugin.
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit. Oh, and Dennis/Kalvos and David/Damian are published by Westleaf Edition, and would sure appreciate it if you would visit to Westleaf and download & perform a score or two or three or more!
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
August 15
Latest Show is Available!
August 14
Please Try Our Newsfeed!
- Our newsfeed is an experiment. If you have any trouble with it, or if you like it, please let us know. It will provide the latest homepage, playlist, and upcoming guest list. Click this XML logo
or copy this link (http://kalvos.org/kalvos.rss) into your newsfeed reader. Since today's playlist and show should be ready by Sunday afternoon, it's a good check to see if it is working. Thanks!
August 8
Four World Premieres on One Show!
- Does it get better than this? On August 7, Su Lian Tan, Evan Bennett and Christopher Molina joined K&D live (with Daron Hagen on the phone) for four world premieres of music by Dennis Báthory-Kitsz, Christopher Molina, Daron Hagen, and Gilda Lyons (#479). It was classic live radio, with Kalvos and Damian running back and forth between two studios 100 feet apart, and the incredibly calm Bert Klunder engineering a terrific program. Listen to four, yes, four world premieres on one show! Then there was one of K&D's funniest shows: Joining us from California by way of a residence in New Hampshire was Alex Shapiro, and together with her buddy and the day's co host, Laura Koplewitz, the pair completely took over the K&D show, Thelma-and-Louiseing us into confused bewilderment. What were we there for? (#478). We could have continued all afternoon, and really, really promise we'll do this again. Don't miss this one! When guests return to K&D, we learn. When Mike Swinchoski came back to the K&D studio, he revealed much more about how his music works and what he expects -- and doesn't expect -- from listeners (#477). Marvelous revelations came to us when we spoke with Susan Allen. She joined K&D on July 10, and brought fresh ideas about improvisation and the responsibility of composers (#475). Up now is our 'wild at heart' interview with Nicholas Frances Chase, where his startling new aesthetic (and spelling) infects new music (#476). And you want opposites? We have shows of opposites for you! On June 26, Zeke Hecker (#473) joined us in the studio from southern Vermont after an 8-year hiatus during which he's produced theatrical events and operas. Listen to what he's been doing -- and then follow up with Andrew Durkin (#474), recorded last year in Valencia, as he takes us through his career of jazz influences.
- Folks don't associate the upcoming show schedule with playlists, so we've put a new page that contains upcoming guests and show schedules. (If you're used to the latest playlist page to find upcoming guests, fear not -- there's a nice big link there now.)
- There are four other shows that could hardly have been more different! Starting with the most recent program: Eliot Handelman came to the studio from Montreal (including a break from his own show, Where's the Beat?, part of the NonPop International Network) to put K&D through the philosophical ringer about the purpose of music -- as well as to play his most extraordinary compositions. Hear K&D's heads hurt on show #472. The week before, Michael Manion resorted to some one-word answers as K&D wondered how more significantly wrong they could be about how to have Michael reveal his wondrous compositions -- which, we are happy to say, revealed themselves. Hear K&D grope on show #471. From the nearly opposite perspective, Elma Mayer and Brian Woodbury (#470) filled the air with conversation and nearly two dozen compositions in this wonderful exchange with a professionaly working compositional couple. No mystery, no hurting K&D heads. Wow! And finally, Mark Trayle gave K&D a helping of both his historical electronic pieces and recent laptop performances that spin the head between the ears. Hear this musical and intellectual powerhouse on show #469. Listen to them all!
- Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar will end with show #538 in September 2005. We have a number of recorded interviews, and then about 40 open shows from December 2004-September 2005. Interested in hearing a composer or being a guest? Be sure to contact K&D with your suggestions. Oh -- and don't worry about losing this site. As far as we can predict, the site itself will be around for years to come.
- Now back to the shows! Listen to Mr. Autodidact Himself, George Zelenz, in one of our funniest wordplay shows ever (#466). George is a composer, architect, contractor, and maven of the errant verb. Then there's an amazing show recorded outside (what ambience!) with Jacqueline Bobak (#467), purveyor of vocal sounds astounding & pure. And composer and producer and raconteur Richard Zvonar covered roughly the first third of his life as a composer and producer (#468), and we promised to come back soon to get more. Listen to them all! Astounding folks!. Our broadcast shows get posted, but as a bonus, the Gregg Wager interview program (#465a), a long, thoughtful and rewarding exchange, is ready to hear as an online-only adventure. Gregg has wide experience and some insightful comments about the future of music. Kalvos was reeling from real mental exertion! And there are interviews recorded at CalArts with Vinny Golia (#463), Robin Cox (#464), and David Rosenboom (#465). Vinny could have filled a dozen interviews, and we only covered a part of his career; Robin was full of music and good humor, and showed how a performer/composer can bring forth new kinds of presentations; and David stepped out of his "Dean of the College" role to describe his work and philosophy in language you rarely hear of K&D. Have a listen! Plus, we have uploaded our show with Frank Oteri (#464a), the second of several shows that will be online-only specials! Oh yes, and the interviews keep coming! Get ready for these! Listen to an interview with and live performance (recorded at CalArts) by David Denniston (#462) and before that a 5-hour live event with Elizabeth Panzer, Erik Nielsen, Andrew Schulze, Dennis Darrah and even call-in participation from Barry Drogin Listen to this wonderful event with performance of music you can hear nowhere but on Kalvos & Damian! Show #461. Yeah!
July 31
Hoo-hah! Two Hours Was Not Enough!
- It was one of K&D's funniest shows! Joining us from California by way of a residence in New Hampshire was Alex Shapiro, and together with her buddy and the day's co host, Laura Koplewitz, the pair completely took over the K&D show, Thelma-and-Louiseing us into confused bewilderment. What were we there for? (#478). We could have continued all afternoon, and really, really promise we'll do this again. Don't miss this one!
July 24
Another New Show Up!
July 17
One New Show Up, One in Prep!
July 5
Latest Shows Are Up!
- We have shows of opposites for you! On June 26, Zeke Hecker (#473) joined us in the studio from southern Vermont after an 8-year hiatus during which he's produced theatrical events and operas. Listen to what he's been doing -- and then follow up with Andrew Durkin (#474), recorded last year in Valencia, as he takes us through his career of jazz influences.
- Folks don't associate the upcoming show schedule with playlists, so we've put a new page that contains upcoming guests and show schedules. (If you're used to the latest playlist page to find upcoming guests, fear not -- there's a nice big link there now.
June 13
Quick Note: Shows Going Up!
May 26
What's Wrong With Us? Where Have We Been?
- Busy. Music. Composing. Performances. But the latest shows are all posted now! Listen to Mr. Autodidact Himself, George Zelenz, in one of our funniest wordplay shows ever (#466). George is a composer, architect, contractor, and maven of the errant verb. Then there's an amazing show recorded outside (what ambience!) with Jacqueline Bobak (#467), purveyor of vocal sounds astounding & pure. And most recently, composer and producer and raconteur Richard Zvonar covered roughly the first third of his life as a composer and producer (#468), and we promised to come back soon to get more. Listen to them all! Astounding folks!. Oh, and you asked where we've been? David 'Damian or is it Kalvos' Gunn had the world premiere of Incandescendence by Ethel (who successfully avoided being interview on K&D:), and Dennis 'Kalvos or is it Damian' Báthory-Kitsz was finishing a few compositions, including one being filmed by the Discovery Channel (who'll be in the studio on May 29). Yeah, so we do have lives. Now & then.
- Upcoming guests we should mention are always listed on our Latest Playlist page. Mark Trayle will be on the show via recorded interview on May 29, followed by Elma Mayer and Brian Woodbury on June 5 (when Kalvos will be hiding out of the country). Michael Manion tries K&D's wits on June 12. And then, in the studio live, will be Eliot Handelman on June 19 and Zeke Hecker returns on June 26. We stream live, so listen in!
- Finally, celebrate with K&D on May 29! We begin Year Ten of abusing our guests and listeners. We love it!
May 3
They're Up -- and More!
- The latest shows are all now posted, and as a bonus, the Gregg Wager interview program (#465a), a long, thoughtful and rewarding exchange, is ready to hear. Gregg has wide experience and some insightful comments about the future of music. Kalvos was reeling from real mental exertion!
May 1
More Shows -- Broadcast and Online!
- The newest several K&D shows are on the way! Being uploaded right now are interviews recorded at CalArts with Vinny Golia (#463), Robin Cox (#464), and David Rosenboom (#465). Vinny could have filled a dozen interviews, and we only covered a part of his career; Robin was full of music and good humor, and showed how a performer/composer can bring forth new kinds of presentations; and David stepped out of his "Dean of the College" role to describe his work and philosophy in language you rarely hear of K&D. When they're all posted, have a listen! Plus, we have uploaded our show with Frank Oteri (#464a), the second of several shows that will be online-only specials!
- Where have we been? As some of you know, Kalvos had a death in the family, and then another two weeks later. Damian has been shouldering more of the show burden in the meantime. The website has not seen any updates in a few weeks, and when show conversions to RealAudio and MP3 formats fall behind, it means a few days of catching up. We're getting there, and beg your patience. Last month, we also had a requisite streaming audio hard drive upgrade at our web host (we ran out of space), and had to raise some hardware money. Want to help? Head to our funding page.
April 12
Latest Show Extravaganza is Ready!
April 11
Patience, Please
- Please hold on for new shows. Due to a sudden & unexpected death in Kalvos's family, website updates will be delayed until after April 17.
March 27
On Being Mute and Humble...
- Sometimes We Don't Know What to Say. One of our dreams on Kalvos & Damian has been to transcribe the hundreds of interviews we have done ... more than 250 of them. Until last week, this was out of reach. And then The Argosy Foundation decided that reading the words of composers famous and unknown, young and old, romantic and avant-garde, local and international, articulate and tongue-tied, was a valuable service. We received a gift of $15,000 to complete the first half of these transcriptions by the end of 2004. We are humbled, and will set to work next month. Our deep gratitude to The Argosy Foundation for this gift. Note to organizations: Please don't ask us about the Foundation. Their decision process and profile are quite private, and they work through the auspices of The Philanthropic Initiative.
- New Interviews are Ready to Hear! Afer a respite in Italy, Bruce Gremo took on some interesting issues of performance and composition (#460). And in a show of daring and great composition, Anthony Joseph Lanman -- Tony to you -- braved the K&D studios for a live visit (#459). These join earlier programs: The massive balloon sound of Judy Dunaway -- together with a few words you didn't hear on the broadcast version -- combines for an amazing audio experience (#457) ... and some great stories. Speaking of great stories, Neil B. Rolnick's stories of moves and career swings will make you, um, dizzy (#458). Head for the shows page and listen to these two very different creative spirits! Earlier, we heard the contemplations and electroacoustic music of Gary DiBenedetto, now available for your thought & listening pleasure (#456). Settle back. Listen! The vox of Voice Novus, um, the voice of Vox Novus Rob Voisey gives us a rundown of work in several worlds (#454), and deep thoughts and music from Randy Woolf are ready (#455). Head for the shows page and listen to commentary you can only hear on K&D. If that's not enough for you, and omigawd!, if you ever wanted to hear bagpipes, this is the time! Tim Cummings is in the archives with a great interview (#453) -- and live performances. Don't miss it! Things were definitely different with Peter Flint and Conrad Cummings! You never know what to expect on K&D, such as recordings from "Love Machines & Shameless Hussies". So head right over to the archives. to have a listen to our interview with Peter and Conrad (#452). We'll tell you, there are days when you have a really good conversation, and #451 was one of them. Listen to composer and performance artist Peter Zummo in our archives. It's spring-like now, but back during our cold spell (nine days from -4F to -27F), we broadcast a show (#450) recorded in near 100-degree heat in New York, with Scott Johnson, wherein he is ultimately quotable ("There's just more information in 'composer music'" and "A genre automates choices" and "Art music is what happens when people start showing off to each other"), and previously with Andrew Violette, who excoriates Kalvos and Damian for their inability to see the obvious -- and they cower (#449)! Head for our archived shows and have a listen! Finally, starting the year was a show (#448) with the classic, indomitable and startlingly friendly composer and vocal legend, Joan La Barbara. We were awed.
- How about those 2003 shows? Didn't you listen back? We enjoyed the always-entertaining Al Margolis, where he (#446) wrestled K&D quickly to the verbal ground, followed by Margaret Lancaster (#447) during her second K&D appearance. Then listen to two very attitudinal interviews! The first is with Marco Oppedisano (#444), full of guitar and electronics and the prestidigit(iz)ation of the rock guitarist. And then listen to another transformation, from classical Malaysian child to powerful composer of nonpop in many styles, with Su Lian Tan (#445). Catch up with previous comments and music by the storytelling Mark Gustavson (#443), preceded by incredible interviews with Christopher Milmerstadt (#439), Jason Eckardt (#440), Eric Ross (#441), and Gene 'Noizepunk' Pritsker (#442). Head over to K&D show archive and listen to these about constellations, new complexity, theremins, and, well, noize. You can hear classic Tom Hamilton (#438) from the late 1970s as well as excerpts from the brand-new CD London Fix. And don't miss the performance head-banging and beauty extraordinaire! Oooooooo, and Odd Appetite performed live on K&D in a concert featuring the works of Ken Ueno, Stefan Poetzsch, Matt Tierney, Kaija Saariaho, Ha-Yang Kim, and Hillary Zipper (#437). Get it, as well as a New York interview about opera with Su Lian Tan and Eric Salzman (#437A) on our KalvoNet. Our interview with Christine Baczewska (#436) reveals the purity and beauty of the music, you'll be astounded by her clarity of thought. And there's more: Our interviews with Thomas Buckner, Beata Moon and Charles Coleman are ready for listening. Wonder where success comes from? Listen to Charles Coleman be modest about it (#433), followed by the incredibly influential performer, improviser and composer Thomas Buckner (#434), who is funny and lucid. Joining us in entrepreneurial performance mode is the energetic and focused Beata Moon (#435). Our show with Terry Winter Owens is up (#432). The mysterious and elusive composer speaks about her style, her love of the universe's mysteries, and her influences. Our interview with Steve Gryc is ready to hear (#431); we talk, banter, and exude about band a/k/a wind ensemble music. Also posted is The Loud Show (#430), wherein Kalvos and Damian shout themselves hoarse. We also have a California preview ready for you (#429). These join the incredible interview with Noah Creshevsky (#428) and his ear-jittering listen to hyperrealism! The interviews with Renaissance man Robert Bonotto (#426) and many-handed Dante Oei (with special guest Eli Marshall joining us) (#427) are all up & ready. Don't forget the interviews with Mike Swin
- Thanks to Noah and Tim! The mad bagpiper Tim Cummings and the mad hyperrealist Noah Creshevsky combined using the postal service to cheer us up with strong support contributions. Our gratitude to Tim and Noah (the latter with a continuing contribution), and to the others who have kept us going in 2004: Upcoming guest composers Erling Wold and Maggi Payne as well as earlier guest composer Steve Layton have thoroughly helped out K&D with generous contributions to keep us online. We thank Steve for his loyalty, as the single most enthusiastic sponsor to date! Composers Matthew Fields and Jerry Gerber also gave K&D a big boost with their contributions to keep us going. Thanks so much to all of them! You can help, too -- head to our funding page and keep us going through the rest of this year! (Note that the Argosy Foundation gift mentioned above is for a specific activity, and does not cover operating expenses.)
- There's a new essay by Kyle Gann! Although it's not brand new, it's new to K&D. You can read We Are Living in the New Soviet Union, which joins William Harris's recent The Kryptic World of Mind Drawing ... or you can go to our essays page and indulge in sixty other essays by guest composers. Yes, in case you've missed them, there are essays by Jacques Bailhé, Klarenz Barlow, Gary Barwin, James Bohn, Rhys Chatham, Noah Creshevsky, Rocco di Pietro, Matthew Fields, David Alarcón Folgado, William Harris, Zeke Hecker, Scott Johnson, Tom Johnson, Steve Layton, John McGuire, Adrienne Redd, Andrew Schulze, Laurie Spiegel, John Trubee, Gwyneth Walker and Batya Weinbaum.
- New Festival Coming Up in 2005! Not exactly like The Ought-One Festival of NonPop 2001 .... get ready for The Phat Phive Phestival of NonPop 2005. It will take place in late summer to early fall 2005. K&D have received a tentative funding go-ahead, and will start planning the 30-40 concerts that will fill a weekend during the lovely Vermont summer next year.
- Our Latest Newsletter is Posted. This is one you have to read. No more said.
- Never Heard a Besto? David Gunn a/k/a Damian (or is it Kalvos?) creates a Best of the Bazaar for each block of five shows. No, this isn't just a selection or two that he likes. These Bestos are collages of sound art of the highest order! Eat your heart out electroacoustic composers!. More than seven hours of Bestos can be heard and #82 is the latest of these!
- IDs? You want IDs? We got 'em! We've extracted the funny IDs made for our show by Beata Moon, Christine Baczewska, Thomas Buckner, Jason Eckardt, Charles Coleman, Gary DiBenedetto, Judy Dunaway, Peter Flint, Bruce Gremo, Mark Gustavson, Scott Johnson, Joan LaBarbara, Dennis Darrah, Mary Lou Newmark, Phil Kline, Eve Beglarian, and Elliott Schwartz. Oh, they're not any big deal, but we like 'em, and they show another side of our guest composers.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features, especially during this month. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D, and listen to these compositions.
- Submitting music to K&D? Use our release form. We're still receiving recordings for broadcast that don't include this release, and that is (in this current climate) a, um, problem. Also note our postal address has been different for about three years, so if you're still using the old Box 2770 address -- please don't!
- WGDR's live stream uses Ogg Vorbis. K&D's present links to the live cybercast all launch a RealAudio stream based on WGDR's previous use of Real and MP3. Real doesn't support Oggs. So until we fix all those doggone links, please go to WGDR.org and pick up the stream directly -- and if you're using a 'classic' MP3 player, get the Ogg Vorbis plugin.
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit.
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
March 16
New Shows are Posted!
February 29
What News! What News!
- Number ONE! The kind folks at The Argosy Foundation have granted Kalvos & Damian the first half of their request to make possible transcriptions of all K&D composer interviews. We will be starting this process in March or April, to finish the first group of 150 interviews by year's end.
- Number TWO! Damian a/k/a David Gunn has been awarded the 2004 Citation of Merit from the Vermont Arts Council for his work to benefit the new music scene in Vermont. He will receive the award on March 23 in Montpelier, Vermont, where he will give a presentation about his life and work.
- Number THREE! Kalvos a/k/a Dennis Báthory-Kitsz has received the annual commission from the Vermont Symphony Orchestra for a work to be premiered and performed across the state in the orchestra's Made in Vermont project. The orchestra will play the new work in ten performances during September and October (schedule to be announced).
- Number FOUR! Not exactly like The Ought-One Festival of NonPop 2001 .... get ready for The Phat Phive Phestival of NonPop 2005. It will take place in late summer to early fall 2005. K&D have received a tentative funding go-ahead, and will start planning the 30-40 concerts that will fill a weekend during the lovely Vermont summer next year.
- Our Latest Newsletter is Posted. This is one you have to read. No more said.
- New Show is Posted! The contemplations and electroacoustic music of Gary DiBenedetto are available for your thought & listening pleasure in show #456. Settle back. Listen!
February 22
New Shows are Ready!
- New Interviews are Posted! The vox of Voice Novus, um, the voice of Vox Novus Rob Voisey gives us a rundown of work in several worlds in show #454, and deep thoughts and music from Randy Woolf are ready in show #455. Head for the shows page and listen to these two very different creative spirits!
- Thanks to Maggi Payne! Composer Maggi Payne has given K&D a boost with a warmth-inducing contribution to our chilly selves. Our thanks to Maggi for her gifts, both economic and musical. Join Maggi in helping K&D stay solvent -- visit our funding page.
- There will be important K&D news this week. Please come back later this week for some announcements about the future of Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar. We have, as they say, made some hard decisions.
February 8
We Got Stuff! But Thanks First...
February 1
Wild Afternoon in the City
January 24
Zumm, Zumm, Zummooo...
January 18
New Shows!
- New shows are posted! Just slipping in here during our cold spell (nine days from -4F to -27F) to post the shows with Scott Johnson, wherein he is ultimately quotable ("There's just more information in 'composer music'" and "A genre automates choices" and "Art music is what happens when people start showing off to each other"), and previously with Andrew Violette, who excoriates Kalvos and Damian for their inability to see the obvious -- and they cower! Head for our archived shows and have a listen!
January 4
Happy New Year!
- Happy New Year! We're ready for another year of K&D, with 40 more interviews already recorded, and live guests are knocking on the door. It will be wild once again -- thanks to everyone for enthusiasm since the distant mid-1990s!
- Who wants to pay? Step right up! Except for the Stolid Sixteen who keep us running with regular gifts (thanks as ever Steve, Robert, Canary, Matt, Mike, D'Anne, and Kevin) and special gifts (thanks to Noah, Drew, Jeff, Terry, Phil, Robert, Tim, Lev, and Argosy), support evaporated in 2003. Even our promotional links are largely ignored. How do I know? We began ads in August, serving 151,451 of you with a small, modest pair of links for musical offerings. 567 of you took the opportunity. One in 267. In five months, that $97.85 in revenue represents less than an hour of K&D production. I know, I know, hectoring & lecturing aren't welcome -- but they work for public broadcasting. So please visit our funding page and start off 2004 with support for a show you tell us you love!
- There's a new essay by William Harris! You can read The Kryptic World of Mind Drawing, or you can go to our essays page and indulge in sixty other essays by guest composers. Yes, in case you've missed them, there are essays by Jacques Bailhé, Klarenz Barlow, Gary Barwin, James Bohn, Rhys Chatham, Noah Creshevsky, Rocco di Pietro, Matthew Fields, David Alarcón Folgado, William Harris, Zeke Hecker, Scott Johnson, Tom Johnson, Steve Layton, John McGuire, Adrienne Redd, Andrew Schulze, Laurie Spiegel, John Trubee, Gwyneth Walker and Batya Weinbaum.
- The latest shows are posted! Well, not all of them. The show with Joan La Barbara is still encoding. But the always-entertaining Al Margolis (#446) wrestled K&D quickly to the verbal ground in December, followed by Margaret Lancaster (#447) during her second K&D appearance. Then listen to two very attitudinal interviews! The first is with Marco Oppedisano (#444), full of guitar and electronics and the prestidigit(iz)ation of the rock guitarist. And then listen to another transformation, from classical Malaysian child to powerful composer of nonpop in many styles, with Su Lian Tan (#445). Catch up with previous comments and music by the storytelling Mark Gustavson (#443), preceded by incredible interviews with Christopher Milmerstadt (#439), Jason Eckardt (#440), Eric Ross (#441), and Gene 'Noizepunk' Pritsker (#442). Head over to K&D show archive and listen to these about constellations, new complexity, theremins, and, well, noize. You can hear classic Tom Hamilton (#438) from the late 1970s as well as excerpts from the brand-new CD London Fix. And don't miss the performance head-banging and beauty extraordinaire! Oooooooo, and Odd Appetite performed live on K&D in a concert featuring the works of Ken Ueno, Stefan Poetzsch, Matt Tierney, Kaija Saariaho, Ha-Yang Kim, and Hillary Zipper (#437). Get it, as well as a New York interview about opera with Su Lian Tan and Eric Salzman (#437A) on our KalvoNet. Our interview with Christine Baczewska (#436) reveals the purity and beauty of the music, you'll be astounded by her clarity of thought. And there's more: Our interviews with Thomas Buckner, Beata Moon and Charles Coleman are ready for listening. Wonder where success comes from? Listen to Charles Coleman be modest about it (#433), followed by the incredibly influential performer, improviser and composer Thomas Buckner (#434), who is funny and lucid. Joining us in entrepreneurial performance mode is the energetic and focused Beata Moon (#435). Our show with Terry Winter Owens is up (#432). The mysterious and elusive composer speaks about her style, her love of the universe's mysteries, and her influences. Our interview with Steve Gryc is ready to hear (#431); we talk, banter, and exude about band a/k/a wind ensemble music. Also posted is The Loud Show (#430), wherein Kalvos and Damian shout themselves hoarse. We also have a California preview ready for you (#429). These join the incredible interview with Noah Creshevsky (#428) and his ear-jittering listen to hyperrealism! The interviews with Renaissance man Robert Bonotto (#426) and many-handed Dante Oei (with special guest Eli Marshall joining us) (#427) are a
href="shows.html">They're all hot for listening right now!.
- IDs? You want IDs? We got 'em! We've extracted the funny IDs made for our show by Beata Moon, Christine Baczewska, Thomas Buckner, Jason Eckardt, Charles Coleman, Gary DiBenedetto, Judy Dunaway, Peter Flint, Bruce Gremo, Mark Gustavson, Scott Johnson, Joan LaBarbara, Dennis Darrah, Mary Lou Newmark, Phil Kline, Eve Beglarian, and Elliott Schwartz. Oh, they're not any big deal, but we like 'em, and they show another side of our guest composers.
- New "Best of the Bazaar" is up!. Damian's amazing mix #81 will choke you with laughter and amazement. He has created 81 composition mixes that rival sample mixes from the best DJs and EA composers. These are the best! Go to the Besto page and listen to each clip or all 7-plus hours of them!.
- Where are the women? It's a possible hornet's nest, but we gotta ask. Our women composer guests have become elusive. In the past 18 months, just two women composers have come to the WGDR studios for interviews (20 men have), and during our recent California interview tour, the only composers not to show up for their scheduled interviews were women. The proportion of women composers is somewhat well represented on Kalvos & Damian -- but only if we seek them out. Our call for guests (including for our travel interviews) is open and posted widely, and we make it easy for guests to visit us in-studio or when we're on the road. We've made this appeal before, but here it is again: We would be delighted for some pro-activity! Statistics for broadcast shows: 207 broadcast interviews, 157 men, 50 women. In-studio guests among those: 72 men, 20 women (8 of the 20 women during our first 18 months with Vermont composers). Upcoming live: 5 men, 1 woman. Upcoming already recorded: 38 men, 11 women. So where are the women? Contact us.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features, especially during this month. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D, and listen to these compositions.
- The 2003 Golden Bruce has been awarded to MakeMusic!, authors of Finale music notation software. In case you've never read about the Golden Bruce, it's our annual award for the stupidest or other most ignominious behavior in the world of nonpop. MakeMusic! (don't you hate InterCaps and ! in a name?) decided to copy-protect their latest version of Finale, joining the parade of paranoid companies (like Sibelius, Antares, etc.) who think abusing their users is the way to save their financial behinds. So read about the Golden Bruce 2003 and also have a look at Kalvos's essay and put-up-or-shut-up questionnaire for companies who create copy-protected software.
- Special thanks are due to many folks for our California interview tour. To The Argosy Foundation for funding us; to CalArts and especially Anne LeBaron for hosting us for the southern half of our tour; to Susan Allen for putting us up in Valencia and for feeding us gourmondo-like; to Jacques Bailhé for a wonderful visit & meal in Los Angeles; to Jerry Gerber for hosting us for the northern half of our tour in San Francisco at his Octava Studios; to Antonio Celaya and family for putting us up in Oakland; and to the 25 composers and performers who participated in the interviews. See the bottom of our latest playlist to find out who everyone was!
- Submitting music to K&D? Use our release form. We're still receiving recordings for broadcast that don't include this release, and that is (in this current climate) a, um, problem. Also note our postal address has been different for about three years, so if you're still using the old Box 2770 address -- please don't!
- WGDR's live stream uses Ogg Vorbis. K&D's present links to the live cybercast all launch a RealAudio stream based on WGDR's previous use of Real and MP3. Real doesn't support Oggs. So until we fix all those doggone links, please go to WGDR.org and pick up the stream directly -- and if you're using a 'classic' MP3 player, get the Ogg Vorbis plugin.
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit.
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.